Generico stocks standard gauges and lengths of Cam-Lok cable assemblies including tail sets, cam-lok extensions, cam lok adapters and a broad assortment of Marinco brand cam-lok connectors. Raw cable is stocked for making assemblies of any size/type on a daily basis. Cable is stocked in #6 to 4/0 size. All of the most popular items are shown below. We will gladly quote on any request(s) you may have for items you do not see. Please inquire. Generico will also repair your cable assemblies or customize them upon request. Generico offers cabling systems for all generator cable requirements and temporary power distribution for use in North America and beyond.
All Generico Cam Lok cable assemblies include EISL or SC type cable. EISL is “Entertainment Industry Stage Lighting” and SC is “Stage Cable”. Both are double jacketed 600 volt cable suitable for any temporary power applications up to 600 volts in any jurisdiction in North and South America. All of these cable types meet the National Electrical Code requirement for temporary power cable. Generico can also offer assemblies utilizing TYPE W cable which is a 2000 volt jacket and extremely popular with generator rental companies. Generico is also able to offer other types of generator cabling and generator power adapters using twist lok connectors, Pin & Sleeve, and others.
Ampacity Table available below: