Generico is proud to offer your company access to equipment financing through Apex Leasing & Finance. The Principals at Apex understand entertainment technology and how important it is to your business. Ardy Barahman of Apex Finance has proven to get deals done for over 30 years for a significant number of both production companies and end users for this type of equipment. The process is fast and easy, with industry leading turnaround times. Generico will release your order with no payment from you to Generico upon receipt of a Purchase Order from Apex which may also include the cost of shipping. Generico is not involved in the process at all, has no access to any private information, and is not compensated by Apex Leasing & Finance in any way. The fillable PDF Application below once completed is emailed directly to Ardy Barahman at Apex where they will process your request without cost or obligation and will provide you formal Approval details.
Affordable financing from a trustworthy source with a vast knowledge of the entertainment production industry has proven worthwhile for many Generico clients large and small. Here are some of the benefits of Financing your Gear:
Cash is always King! Having liquidity gives you the ultimate flexibility with the ability to act quickly when opportunities present themselves, as well as prepare for a rainy day. Follow the adage “Use other people money to make your Capital Acquisitions” on items that depreciate.
Apex financing options can cover everything from installation to software, training, taxes, and more, so that your business can be up and running in a streamlined and simplified way.
Bank lending agreements often contain restrictive covenants, variable rates, escalation clauses, “call anytime” provisions, compensating balance requirements, cross collateralization with other assets, and the filing of blanket liens; these provisions are not found in Apex lending or leasing agreements.
Equipment leasing can help you stay on top of the latest advances in equipment and technology. Being able to make upgrades to newer equipment when your short-term lease is up can give your company a competitive advantage.
Apex Finance can match your payments to project revenues or seasonal cash flow variations to simplify cash budgeting. Lower payments or higher payments to match the equipment income production is often ideal.
Some Apex financing options can be structured to qualify for “off balance sheet” accounting treatment. This improves ratios and avoids lending covenant violations.
Complete the PDF Application, sign and then email to Ardy Barahman directly at